USACE, DPR, and more than 33 groups involved with the Technical Advisory Committee considered several dozen possible alternatives for the restoration of the Malibu Creek Ecosystem and removal of Rindge Dam as a barrier to fish and wildlife.

The entities had two key goals when considering alternatives: 1) none would result in any increase in downstream flooding, and 2) materials behind the dam would be reused (recycled) as much as possible for the public benefit.

From this decade long effort, four feasible project alternatives have been identified. Public feedback will be solicited during the public review period to help identify the best alternative and options for future implementation. The proposed alternatives include:

Alternative 1 – No Project

Alternative 2 – Would remove the dam in approximately 20-foot lifts and trucks the impounded sediment to the final disposal locations. Roughly 2/3 of the impounded sediment would be disposed of at the Calabasas Landfill, while 1/3 of the material that is beach compatible would be reused near the Malibu Pier, a historic receiving site. This alterative is anticipated to take 7-8 years to complete.

Alternative 3 – Would remove the dam in 5-foot lifts and allow the impounded sediment to wash downstream with natural storm cycles. This alternative would take 40-100 years and would require construction of downstream floodwalls in Malibu Lagoon State Beach.

Alternative 4 – The alternative is a hybrid of Alternatives 2 and 3. It would remove the dam in approximately 20-foot lifts and truck the impounded sediment as outlined in Alternative 2. It would also lower the dam five-feet at the end of each year to allow some natural transport of material during winter storms. This alternative would take 7-8 years and would require construction of downstream floodwalls in Malibu Lagoon State Beach.

Detailed information on the proposed project can be found online on USACE’s website.