Step 2

Take and pass an examination

California has a merit-based civil service selection system.  This ensures the state hires and promotes people based on job-related qualifications.  Before you can work for the state, you need to take and pass an examination for the job type (classification).

Read the Examination Bulletin

The Examination Bulletin displays the salary range, minimum qualifications (MQs), and description of the job type.  The description tells you in general what people in that classification do.

The Examination Bulletin will give you information about how to prepare for the Examination, including a link to the Classification Specification.  Read the Classification Specification carefully for it is the legal job description providing an overview of the classification, typical tasks, and the minimum qualifications for the selected Classification.

To view the official Examination Bulletin, click on one of the links below:

OHV image

Meet the Minimum Qualifications

You can only take an examination if you meet the minimum qualifications.  The education and experience needed is spelled out in the examination bulletin.

If you don't meet the minimum qualifications, you cannot take the Examination.

Boating Image

The District Superintendent I and II are online examinations.  These Examinations are always available. You do not need to schedule them.

After you take an online Examination, you will receive your results online within 3 business days.

Passing an examination

Passing an Examination means you are eligible to be hired for that job type.

You will start to receive employment inquiry letters from Parks looking to hire someone in that classification.  This does not mean that you cannot apply for a job unless you receive a letter.  If you meet the minimum qualifications for any job opening and you have passed an exam you can apply for that job.

Take and Pass Examination

Search for a Job
