Donner Lake Image

Olmsted Award
Leadership and Vision

Don Schmidt Image
Don Schmidt
Supervisory State Park
Peace Officer/Ranger
Sierra District

Don has over 25 years with the Department and has contributed numerous outstanding achievements in support of the Department’s mission. Don works many hours on his days off, works with teachers and pupils, volunteers as leader for winter snowshoe hikes, and he has educated thousands of children about the historical, natural, and cultural environments in the high Sierra.

Hill Award

Jessica Murany Image
Jessica Murany
 State Park Peace Officer/Ranger
Colorado Desert District

Jessica worked with the local community at Palomar Mountain State Park and advocated to keep Palomar  from closing during the 2010/11 budget crisis. She was able to garner the necessary support to keep the park open and also increase the park’s popularity by working with locals to make the park a place of vitality, festivals, and fun.

Drury Award
Professional Integrity

Image Susan Goode Suzanne Goode
 Supervisory Senior Environmental Scientist
 Angeles District

For over 13 years, Suzanne spearheaded the enormous 8 million dollar Malibu Creek Ecosystem Restoration project while facing heartfelt setbacks and significant political pressures. She led the Angeles District through ongoing conflicts to protect habitats and species against illegal encroachments and the commercialization of parks at the expense of resource degradation. 

Mott Award

Ron Birkhead
Ron Birkhead
Construction Supervisor III
Acquisition & Development

Ron was tireless in his pursuit to improve the way the team’s construction projects were managed; so he created a unique software tool for tracking and managing construction projects in the California State Park system. It proved to be a huge success.

Dewitt Award

Bonny Hawley Image
Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks
Accepted by Bonny Hawley
 Executive Director

Since 1975, Friends has worked with the Santa Cruz District whenever the need has arisen. Their decades-long partnership with California State Parks has been integral to historical preservation, biological and cultural enhancements, events, local business support, and having fun at Santa Cruz state parks and beaches.

Dewitt Award

Ron Brown Image
Save Mount Diablo
Accepted by Ron Brown
 Executive Director

The restoration of the Eye of Diablo Beacon was a daunting project. This rare and cherished Beacon is meaningful to America and particularly to veterans and Pearl Harbor survivors. Every midnight on December 7th, veterans and visitors gather on top of Mount Diablo, under the Beacon's light, to celebrate our fight for freedom and America's victory in World War II.

Ingenuity Award

David Carmen
David Carmen
Maintenance Mechanic
Santa Cruz District

Dave was innovative and instrumental in the restoration of the sewer system at the Brighton Beach campground on Pajero Coast. The changes he implemented in the design undoubtedly saved countless staff hours and money that would have gone to future repair costs – thus averting a costly and messy potential plumbing disaster.


Ocean Sunset Image 

Special Commendation Awards

 Stephen Barber
Stephen Barber
Supervisory State Park Peace Officer/Ranger
Central Valley District 

Stephen worked hard organizing a section of Highway 1, in the San Francisco bay area, to be dedicated to Ranger Patricia Scully who was killed by a drunk driver in 1976. Stephen wrote a pivotal letter that resulted in: a resolution signed by Governor Brown; a commemoration ceremony held at San Gregorio SB; the highway section itself and signage; and the San Mateo Sheriff’s Office placed her name on its memorial to fallen officers. 
Kenney Glaspie Image
Kenney Glaspie
 Park Maintenance Chief III 
OHMVR Division

Kenney acted as Interim Chief at Ocotillo Wells State Vehicle Recreation Area and proved to be an excellent role model who inspired enthusiasm among staff during a re-organization of the Ocotillo Wells management team. He used best management practices and helped initiate motivation and interest in staff assignments and also increased moral.
Andrea Sinkler-Kim Image
Andrea Sinkler-Kim
Park Maintenance Chief I
 Monterey District

Andrea organized numerous projects in 2013 and is inspirational to her coworkers and supervisors. At Gilroy Hot Springs, she spearheaded a project to install temporary roofs on three dilapidated cabins that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Andrea is also actively participating in the preservation of historical buildings in Monterey State Historical Park. 

Special Act Award - Extraordinary Act of Heroism

 Mark Cleavenger Image
Mark Cleavenger
 State Park Peace
 Officer/Lifeguard II (Seasonal)
 Angeles District

Mark rescued a man from a fast-burning vehicle near Thousand Oaks in Southern California, then the car exploded seconds after pulling the victim to safety.
Greg Hall Image
Greg Hall
State Park Peace Officer/Ranger
North Coast Redwoods District

Under extremely dangerous conditions, Greg helped pull three victims out of repetitive, crashing ocean swells at Big Lagoon in Humboldt County.
Jeff Wadkins Image
Jeff Wadkins
State Park Peace Officer/Lifeguard 
Santa Cruz District

On September 12, 2013, Jeff was off-duty with a bad case of the flu when he heard a call on his radio about victims in a near-drowning scenario at Moss Beach. Jeff jumped from his sick bed and made haste to the site, leapt down into a deep narrow channel, and rescued a man just in the brink of time.

Special Act Award - Extraordinary Act of Heroism

 Robert Peek Image
Robert Peek
State Park Peace Officer/Ranger
Inland Empire District
(Assemblyman Brian W. Jones on left)

In the wee hours on March 31, 2013, Robert pulled his neighbor from a furious fire that was burning the man's house down. Then Bob went back and helped put the fire out where it was burning perilously close to gas tanks.   

Lake Perris Image
Lake Perris Rescue Team
(pictured from left to right)
Dick DeBoer, Supervisory State Park Peace Officer/Lifeguard;
Seasonal lifeguards: Ryan Coats
 Eric De Jong, Jackie Miranda, and Not Pictured - Brian Olivo (see
 Brian in next lifeguard picture);
Bill Solylo, State Park Peace Officer/Ranger
Inland Empire District

On July 28, 2013, this team worked together like clockwork and was able to rescue a young girl with a life-threating head & brain injury resulting from a boating accident. 

Lake Perris Image
Lake Perris
(pictured from left to right)

Seasonal lifeguards
Chauncey Lockwood, Eric De Jong,
 Andy Wayment, & Brian Olivo (missing from ceremony picture)
Dick DeBoer, Supervisory State Park Peace Officer/Lifeguard

Ranger Walking Away image