Park Operation Partnerships

California State Parks is pleased to offer this information for non-profit organizations and public agencies interested in assuming some or all of the functions of a State Park that is slated for closure.

AB 1478 made $10M available to partners through a matching funds program.  At this point the entire $10M has been committed.  Matching Fund agreements in progress will be placed on a wait list for any available funding.

Click on the links below for more information.

AB 1478 Match Program

Match Awarded 10 Million

       AB 1478 Match Status pdf

       AB 1478 Match for Parks Not on the Closure List pdf

       AB 1478 Match through Operating Agreements pdf

       AB 1478 Match through Donor Agreements pdf

       Operating Cost Threshold pdf

       FAQs for AB 1478 Match pdf

       Donor Agreement fillable Forms pdf 

       Operating Agreement fillable Forms pdf 

Other Links for Partners

  All Visitors Welcome

  Access for Visitors with Disabilities

  Workshop Announcement

  Workshop Location Schedule

  Park Partnership Frequently Asked Questions

  Park General Plans

  2009 California State Parks Accessibility Guidelines


  Fees, Attendance and other Statistics

  Non-Profit Resources

  Trail Manager's Toolbox

  Partnership Workbook for Operating Agreements - (PDF)

  Partnership Workbook for Operating Agreements - (Word DOC)

  Proposed Financial Plan Form - (Excel XLS)

  Donor Guidelines

  District Superintendents Contact Information

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