Fort Tejon State Historic Park

---In 1861, the post was abandoned, as cavalry from Ft. Tejon were sent to quell secessionist rebelliousness in the Los Angeles area, and eventually posted at Ft. Drum. Civil War battle demonstrations are held here on the third Sunday of each month from May to September.

---This post was reoccupied in 1863, so that the U.S. Army could more adequately keep an eye on the nearby San Sebastian Indian Reservation, where Owens Valley Paiutes, having been defeated and rounded up in the Owens Valley Paiute War of 1861-1863, were forcibly marched from their homes to the area, losing at least 150 in the process. A lack of rations and arable farmland led to severe starvation for the Owens Valley Paiute while kept here.

Flag of the 2nd California Cavalry, Company D.  This unit was involved in the Paiute War of 1861-1863, as well as the forced removal to the San Sebastian Indian Reservation near Ft. Tejon