1. Archaeological Aides

Work under supervision, on a temporary or seasonal basis only, to excavate in archaeological sites; and to do other related work.

Typical Tasks
Use shovels, trowels, brushes, screens, and other archaeologists' hand tools to open trenches in archaeological sites; recover and record artifacts and features revealed; remove, clean, repair, catalog, and otherwise care for the specimens recovered.

Minimum Qualifications
Ability to read and write English at a level required for successful job performance; use a variety of hand tools including shovels, trowels, and small tools; perform varied manual tasks; follow oral and written directions; learn work procedures quickly; keep simple notes and records.

Desirable Characteristics
Education equivalent to completion of the 12th grade and experience in archaeological field work similar to that performed on the job.  A student of anthropology with formal class work in archaeological field methods; archaeological field experience under professional supervision; experience in basic museum techniques; a general knowledge of California's prehistoric cultures, and a knowledge of the California Indian tribes as they occurred at time of European contact.


2. Archaeological Specialist

Work under direction, gather, record, and interpret data from archeological sites excavated through the State archeological program. This class may supervise field and laboratory workers; and to do other related work.

Typical Tasks
Makes surveys for historic and prehistoric archeological sites and records sites on standard site record forms, makes sketch location map of site on the forms, and makes collection of specimens encountered during survey; plots site locations on standard topographic maps; makes recommendation for preservation or excavation of sites; assists in the excavation of archeological sites; makes contour map of site to be excavated; lays out excavation units on site; under strict controls removes culture deposit and records all observable data such as stratigraphy, house remains, burials, bone, stone and shell and other artifacts, flora and fauna remains, and all other significant natural and cultural evidence; maintains photographic record of excavation in progress; removes, cleans, repairs, catalogs, preserves and protects specimens recovered; maintains complete field notes of work being done; keeps daily journal of activities; prepares reports of work done; keeps attendance and cost records; makes estimates of work to be done; meets the public in the field, laboratory and office to disseminate information on work being done; prepares material for scientific, historic or popular publications; assists in exhibit programs as needed; and supervises archeological teams in the field and in the laboratory.

Minimum Qualifications
Education equivalent to graduation from college with major work in anthropology specializing in archeology.  (Work performing duties similar to those listed under "Typical Tasks" above may be substituted for up to two years of the required education on the basis of three months of experience being equal to one year of education.)

3. Archaeological Project Leader

Works under direction to plan, direct, and coordinate the work on a major archeological project or on a number of smaller projects in an area; and to do other related work.

Typical Tasks
For an assigned project or group of projects determines the scope and extent of work to be done within the limitations of funds and time allocated for such work; recommends staffing, work procedures, equipment, and schedule for projects; assists in the selection of project personnel; supervises the on-site work either directly or through Archeological Specialists; establishes procedures and controls to be used on projects; makes on-site decisions regarding problems and departures from procedures; supervises the recording and reporting of project work and its publication as directed; works with landowners, officials of other departments, supervisors of other sections within his/her own department, and the public to establish effective relationships and to maintain liaison necessary for the successful completion of assigned projects; directs such movement, storage, cataloging, and display of specimens as may be specified by his/her supervisor.

Minimum Qualifications
           Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing duties comparable to those of an Archeological Specialist (Seasonal).
           Or II
Experience:  Two years of experience doing research and field work in archeology, including site survey, excavation, museum laboratory, and exhibit work. (Graduate work in archeology or anthropology may be substituted for the required experience on a year-for-year basis.)  
Education:  Equivalent to graduation from college.  (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for up to two years of the required education on the basis of six months of experience being equal to one year of education.)

Knowledge and Abilities
Knowledge of:  American archeological field methods, laboratory and museum techniques, procedures, and operation; California ethnology; New World prehistory, geology, paleontology, zoology, and osteology.

Ability to:  Plan all aspects of a field archeological exploration; plan and direct the work of others; estimate project requirements in terms of tools, equipment, manpower and time; supervise the application of accepted techniques to specific projects and problems; organize and present technical material orally or in written form; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; establish and maintain effective working
relationships with others.