October 8, 2010 - State Park Commission Meeting Update

News Release Heading:

Department Chooses More Comprehensive Public Planning Process for Hunting at Tolowa Dunes

California State Parks has deleted the proposed reclassification of Tolowa Dunes State Park from the October 8 agenda of the State Park and Recreation Commission. The item called for consideration and possible action by the Commission to reclassify a portion of the park to a state recreation area to continue limited waterfowl hunting.

To read the complete news release, click here.

Public Workshop

California State Parks conducted a public workshop on August 25, 2010 to discuss the potential for reclassifying a portion of Tolowa Dunes State Park as a State Recreation Area. The planning team hosted the workshop to consider preliminary alternatives for future site use and resource management actions based on the evaluation of the unit’s natural, cultural and recreation resources. The workshop was held at the following time and location:

August 25, 2010 – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Crescent City Fire Hall
255 West Washington Blvd
Crescent City, CA 95531

The open period for comments was accepted until 5 p.m. on September 10, 2010.

Public Workshop Materials
Classification Definitions for SPs and SRAs; Area of Consideration; CA PRC
Next Steps

Reclassification Documents
Tolowa Dunes SP Area of Consideration map
Tolowa Dunes SP Resources Summary & Reclassification
Tolowa Dunes SP News Release - Aug. 25 Public Workshop

Information about Tolowa Dunes State Park can be accessed via the following Website link: Tolowa Dunes State Park. For more information, please contact North Coast Redwoods District Acting Superintendent Michelle Gardner at (707) 445-6547 x13, or email: mgard@parks.ca.gov.

Unit Classification and Name

The State Park and Recreation Commission in August 2001 classified Tolowa Dunes as a state park recognizing the outstanding natural and cultural resource values and range of outdoor recreational opportunities. Since 2001, a more detailed ecological assessment was made, and a draft management plan was prepared for protection of natural and cultural resources.  Also, since the state park classification, changes have occurred in the management of vehicle access and hunting activities within the lakes Tolowa and Earl area. 

Evaluating the potential for reclassification of a portion of the State Park to a State Recreation Area to allow waterfowl hunting is the primary focus of this effort. The Department will evaluate the purpose and benefits of the different possible classifications and provide a recommendation and justification for the appropriate change in classification for a portion of TDSP or potential subclassifications.

In addition to determining the unit classification, alternative unit names will be considered, with a preferred name recommended to the Commission with supporting justification.

This classification and naming process also includes opportunities for the public to provide input and make recommendations for their preference of park names and desirable classification.