The Sea and Desert Interpretive Association is working in partnership with the Salton Sea State Recreation Area to preserve and protect the rich resources that the sea and the surrounding area provide.  The sea is one of California's largest wetland areas and is a crucial stopover for hundreds of species of migrating birds along the Flyway.  It also serves as a productive winter habitat for millions of shorebirds that depend on the food, warmth, and nesting areas.


The association runs a visitor and information center on the sea's North shore and funds interpretive naturists and other natural history programs about this unique area.  For example, during the winter months the association helps sponsor bird programs, nature walks, kayak tours and campfire programs.  Special events including the "Secrets of Spring Festival" and the "Winter Solstice Kayak Paddle" are celebrated from November through April.


The visitor center is open on weekend during the summer (off-season), and daily during the winter (on-season) from 10 AM - 4:00 PM. 


The Sea and Desert Interpretive Association has proven itself to be a valuable asset to the visitors and staff at Salton Sea State Recreation Area.  For more information, visit their websiteJoin them by becoming a member!



Sea and Desert Interpretive Association

100-225 State Park Road

North Shore, CA 92254

TEL 760 393-3810