Current as of August 2022

PLEASE NOTE - The U.S. Immigration Station is closed MONDAYS & TUESDAYS.

GENERAL INFORMATION - (415) 435-5537 or

The U.S. Immigration Station is approximately a 1.5 mile walk from the ferry dock at Ayala Cove. Use of Northridge Trail, including the 144 steps to Perimeter Road is the shortest and most direct way to the Immigration Station.



  • Wednesday through Friday, 11:00 am to 2:30 pm
  • Saturday through Sunday, and holidays, 11:00 am to 3:30 pm

Admission Fees (cash, check, or credit card at time of entry; American Express is not accepted):   

  • Adults (18 & Over)             $5.00
  • Youth (6-17 Years)             $3.00
  • Child (5 & Under)               Free
  • K-12 school groups with advance reservations receive discounted rates for admission and ferries.

Guided Tours:
Tour reservations are available for groups of 5 or more. Drop-in tours may also be available when the Barracks Museum is open. The cost for a guided tour is $2 in addition to the admission fee.



  • Wednesday through Friday, 11:00 am to 2:30 pm
  • Saturday through Sunday, and holidays, 11:00 am to 3:30 pm

Admission is Free; visits are self-guided (no tours available)

Getting to the United States Immigration Station (USIS)

The ferry ride is the beginning of your journey to the USIS, once on the island visitors must travel about one mile to the grounds of the USIS.  There are three different options described below.

The shortest route is to walk up the Northridge Trail (trail head at Ayala Cove dock area), the trail starts off with 140 trail stairs, turn left when you reach the paved Perimeter Road and travel approximately one mile along the road to the USIS.  The USIS is on the left side and there are signs to direct you down the hill into the site. 
Approximate walking time: 30-40 minutes

To avoid the stairs walk towards the Visitor Center in Ayala Cove and follow the road up the hill, turning left when the road 'T's, the walk is approximately 1.5 miles.
Approximate walking time: 1 hour

Follow the green "Bike Route" signs from Ayala Cove up to the Perimeter Road, make a sharp left (u-turn) at the top of the bike trail and continue on the Perimeter Road until you reach the USIS.  Visitors should expect to bike 1½ miles to the USIS, bicycles must be left at the top of the hill into the site.  Due to steep terrain and vehicle traffic, bicycles are not permitted on the USIS grounds. 
Approximate biking time: 20 minutes

Immigration Shuttle
Immigration shuttle service is available for a fee, to and from Ayala Cove (ferry landing) and the USIS.  Designed to get you there in time for scheduled tours and pick you up after the tour is completed. Contact the Angel Island Company at for cost and schedule.  (Don't confuse the shuttle with the tram!  The tram is a one hour tour around the island, the shuttle is a ride to the USIS.)

The Angel Island Company has a limited schedule from November thru February, if you have special accessibility needs getting to the USIS please contact the Angel Island Company at least 1 week in advance.


American Civil War Living History School Program (ELP)

DESCRIPTION: The Overnight Living History Program (also known as the Environmental Living Program or ELP) gives students a chance to role-play the life of Union artillery soldiers stationed at Camp Reynolds on Angel Island during the Civil War. Through hands-on experience, students learn what life was like for 24-hours in a typical soldier’s day, including activities such as baking bread and finishing with a cannon firing before they depart. (A mandatory Teacher Training Weekend is held in September)

  • Program Capacity:      20-44 People (No more than 11 adults)
  • Program Length:        24 hours
  • Program Availability:   September to mid-June.

Appropriate for 4th, 5th, and 8th grade levels.

Additional Information:
Plan for a 30-minute walk one-way (1 mile) to the site from Ayala Cove. Applications go out in early spring for the following school year. For more information about this program, contact the program coordinator at: