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Boy Smelling Flower image“After tens of thousands of years of children playing and working primarily outdoors, the last few generations have seen such interaction with nature vanish almost entirely. The implications -- for children's physical and mental health... -- are immense.”
 (Richard Louv, interviewed by David Roberts, 30 March 2006)

All California children will be inspired to actively and creatively engage with and appreciate the natural environment.

To energize, educate and engage public, private and nonprofit entities to increase the number and variety of opportunities for California children to experience and benefit from interacting with the natural world.


  • To promote California State Park programs

  • To focus on regional coordination and collaboration among partners to provide seamless information and opportunities for kids to get outdoors.

  • To increase the number and capacity of public, private and nonprofit organizations committed to providing opportunities to connect children with nature

  • To engage the private sector for funding and other support for the Campaign

  • To help provide opportunities for children to participate in unstructured play in the natural environment

  • To further the welfare of California’s children through the following:

    • Encourage children to experience nature and give them the opportunity to develop a sense of wonder and joy for the natural world,

    • Increase children’s awareness that nature is everywhere,

    • Build children’s knowledge of the interconnectedness of natural systems,

    • Help children develop the critical scientific and social skills necessary to address environmental issues, both locally and globally.