
A key reason transformation projects fail has to do with “people” and the failure to consider the impact on operations, staff and external stakeholders. Having an agent network in place, helps organizations execute bold new strategies to improve communications during this pivotal time.

The California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) created a Transformation Agent Network comprised of 33 employees from across the state and from different classifications to serve as field or division ambassadors and keep staff informed on important key departmental and Transformation initiatives.

These agents have helped open up another line of two-way communication within DPR. Their feedback on the transformative efforts has been very valuable to department leaders. As a result, the network will continue being a communication tool beyond the Transformation effort.

The network helps in the following areas:

  • Advocate positive change through two-way informal communications.
  • Build accountability and ownership by empowering Transformation Agents to gather feedback from all levels of impacted stakeholders, answer questions and resolve concerns without waiting for “formal, official” communications.
  • Accelerate the adoption of the change by quickly disseminating timely and accurate implementation information and minimizing rumors.
  • Promote understanding with front-line resources to assist employees in dealing with uncertainty and ambiguity as a program progresses through implementation.
  • Quickly mitigate potential risks related to adoption and change through early identification of problems and the ability to spot trends and patterns.

Agent’s Roles and Responsibilities

  • Demonstrate a positive attitude toward the change and show commitment to the role of the Transformation Agent.
  • Serve as a Transformation Agent until the end of the engagement.
  • Attend monthly Transformation Agent Network meetings (up to an hour each).
  • Spend approximately 4-6 hours per month on Transformation Network activities. These activities include:
    • Communicating messages provided in meetings to peers and solicit feedback and questions from peers.
    • Complete assignments from monthly meetings (approx. 15-30 minutes to complete task). Such as completing a brief feedback form to provide an update on the feedback/ questions they have heard from their peers.
  • Report updates and concerns to Transformation Agent Network Leaders.
  • Play a support role in various transformation activities as requested.


Change Agents meet with the Transformation Agent Network Coordinators every last Thursday of each month from 3 to 4 p.m. (unless otherwise noted). Below is a list of upcoming meetings:

  • March 23
  • April 27
  • May 25
  • June 22
  • July 27
  • August 24
  • September 28
  • October 26
  • November: One-on-one meeting
  • December 14