Interim Project Planning and Interpretive Programming Report:  This book is a conceptual statement of themes, ideas and stories envisioned to be told at the California Indian Heritage Center. The ideas that emerge from this document will serve as the developing framework for the Center’s guiding principles leading to the physical design and establishment of the CIHC. The concept, described in the Circle Diagrams and word Matrix have been developed through the participation of the CIHC Advisory Groups to establish a fundamental understanding of the importance of relationships to the land and environment, traditions and worldview.  The diversity of Native American cultures in California will be evidenced in the development of the Center’s guiding themes: Cycles, Memories and Connections. As the CIHC project moves forward, these concepts will continue to sharpen and focus, ultimately leading to the Center’s final design and operation.

Read Report:
Interim Project Planning and Interpretive Programming, Sept 2007  (1.49 mb pdf)