Pony Express Statue in Old Sacramento State Historic Park
Pony Express Statue in Old Sacramento State Historic Park

The Pony Express Statue in Old Sacramento was made by Thomas Holland.
Pony Express Statue Infomation

              Thomas Holland
Material:               Bronze
Statue Weight:     3,800 lbs
Statue Height:      15 feet, with base

Statue Facts: 
The Pony Express rider’s clothes were based on a paragraph in
Mark Twain’s book Roughing It, published in 1872. 

Rider’s saddle and Mochilla  (what they carried the mail in) were modeled after originals that are in the Santa Barbara Historical Museum. 

Bit and bridle were designed after military “tack” of the 1850s.

The sculptor gave him a wide brimmed hat instead of a skull cap, which the riders usually wore.

Statue took over 2 years to design and build, including 9 months casting and finishing by Vianello Art Bronzes.

Download Pony Express Statue Information (pdf 41.2 kb)

Photographic Credits:

Monument Pony Express Statue Photo: 
California State Railroad Museum, Stephen Drew photographer

Profile View Pony Express Statue Photo:
California State Railroad Museum, Richard Denison, photographer