California State Parks provides the following guidelines to assist film production companies in filming their projects in the State Parks system. It is important to ensure that there will be adequate public access to our units during filming, that all resources will be protected and that the safety of both the public and film personnel will be maintained. These guidelines are general in nature and are designed to provide systemwide consistency for the benefit of film production companies. Special circumstances in individual park units will require some additional restrictions and guidelines aimed at the protection of resources and sites unique to those units.   View our Film Guidelines  575kb | Acrobat PDF

Hearst Castle
Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument
Hoyt Fields, Chief Curator: 805-927-2075

California Sate Railroad Museum
Railtown 1897 - Historic Sierra Railroad Shops
Marketing and Fund Development Office: 916-445-1705

Mojave Desert State Parks
Film Liaison: 661-942-0662

Filming and Photography for personal purposes is to be encouraged as a means of enhancing visitor enjoyment and extending the benefits and influences of recreational experiences. Personal Filming and Photography by park visitors is allowed without specific clearance or authorization under the following conditions:

Department of Parks and Recreation rules and regulations must be complied with at all times and normal use fees paid.

There must be no interference with other park visitors' use and enjoyment of the park.

Professional props and/or sets, actors or professional models, or specialized or large motorized equipment will not be used.

Filming and/or Photography will take place during the normal hours that the park is open to he public.

No disturbance or rearrangement of any park facility or feature will be allowed.