Overland To The Pacific First Transcontinental Mail Delivery Celebration

View 2007 Events Schedule (pdf 102 kb)
View 150th Anniversary Celebration Brochure (pdf 268 kb)
View Overland Mail Celebration Lecture Program
View Celebration Dinner Information (pdf 1.77mb)
View September 15th Driving Tour Information

Event Reports:

Overland Mail First Celebration Event, January 27, 2007 (pdf 253 kb)

Overland Mail Arrives at Vallecito Stage Station, February 24, 2007
(pdf 143 kb)

See history come alive at the Vallecito Stage Station (video) on the San Antonio and San Diego Mail Line.
(Re-enactment February 2007)

Find out what the archaeologists learned in the Historical and Archaeological Investigations at the Carrizo Creek Stage Station report. The archaeologists' site research has helped to write part of the stage line story once lost to the desert sands of California. 

For more information on Overland Mail 150th Anniversary Celebration events contact Sue Wade, Associate State Archaeologist, at (760) 767-5790.

Overland Mail Mason Valley Truck Trail Article