Seacliff State Beach
Welcome to the California State Parks Geographic Information Systems Lab (GIS). The GIS Lab provides GIS support services to parks staff and ultimately to the public we serve as a State Agency. These services include:

  • Spatial Analysis
  • GIS/GPS Training and Field Support
  • Geospatial Database Modeling and Construction
  • Communication and Visualization of Spatial Information
  • Data Acquisition and Archiving

We work cooperatively with individuals and other agencies within and outside of the California Department of Parks and Recreation in order to better facilitate these services. We welcome any questions, suggestions, or feedback that might help us to serve you better. Please send them to the team at the GIS Lab and we will respond promptly. Currently, our public web page is primarily here to serve 3 critical missions:

Provide an overview of who we are and how to contact us.

Provide a link to the metadata of the most popular data layers we use, including our Parks Boundary layer.

Provide a portal where all things Parks GIS can be linked from for easy access; this includes recent updates for data links and sources, FAQs for instructional resources, memos, documents, and anything else that we or those we serve find useful in order to further the services described above.

One of our ultimate goals is to make this page the launching point for GIS/GPS training modules that are designed to serve all parks staff and supplement and support current classroom and field training efforts. Our efforts here are ongoing, evolving, and ever changing so please check back frequently for updates and do not hesitate to contact the GIS Lab Staff for any questions or concerns you may have.