
The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funds annually to develop non-motorized recreational trails and trails-related facilities.


Next Anticipated Application Due Date: July 2025

Amount Available: TBD

Maximum Grant Request: No minimum or maximum

Match Requirement: 12% of the total project cost

Eligible Match Sources

  • State funds including state grant funds.
  • Local funds including general funds and bond funds.
  • Private funds.
  • Donated materials and services.
  • Value of donated land - for Acquisition projects only.
  • Other federal funds up to 95% of the Total Project Cost.

RTP Program Technical Assistance Application Workshop Video 2/23

RTP Program Technical Assistance Application Workshop Video 3/23

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

RTP Application Guide 

Fillable RTP Application Forms 

  1. Authorizing Resolution template
  2. Application Form
  3. Cost Estimate Form
  4. Acquisition Schedule Form
  5. Land Tenure Checklist

Post Selection Federal Requirements

All RTP applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these steps to better understand the full RTP grant process. Applicants recommended for funding, must complete these requirements prior to approval by the Federal Highway Administration.

Recreational Trails Program Procedural Guide Grant Administration section can be found on pgs 51–82

Payment Forms 

Payment Requests are required every six months - Click to learn why

All Payment Forms Combined , (Use DPR212F) includes these individual forms:

Provide a sample timesheet if seeking reimbursement for in-house employee services.

Project Completion Certification Form (Final payment only)

Funding Sources Form (Final payment only, if sources/amounts change from original submission)

Grant Administration Resources 



 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the California Recreational Trails Program Advisory Board held its annual meeting on:  10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. Monday, July 8 2024

This meeting is open to the public. Please email State Trail Administrator Nicky Lambert for the meeting link -

The only action item is the election of officers. There will be a briefing on the status of the Recreational Trails Program. Afterward, a question-and-answer period will be conducted.

The California Department of Parks and Recreation does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. For questions or concerns related to the meeting, please contact Nicky Lambert at

SO ORDERED: Deputy Director, Community Engagement Division


California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)


Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Advisory Board Meeting
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

If you have questions about the meeting, please email 

Board Chair John Mercurio and DPR Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS) Office Chief Richard Rendón

  • Roll Call (John for Board Members, Richard for DPR and Caltrans Staff)

o   Introduction of New Board Member

  • Welcome and Review of Board Member Roles and Responsibilities (Richard)

Board Chair John Mercurio

  • Election of Officers


  • Legislative Items of Interest
       Richard Rendón, OGALS Office Chief
  • OGALS Non-Motorized Program Updates – Nicky Lambert, State Trail Administrator and Juliann Rylee, RTP Lead Project Officer

o   2023 Competitive Application Cycle

o   Current Projects

o   Procedural Guide Revise News

  • DPR Off Highway Motorized Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Program and Project Updates Matt Whamond, Grant Unit Compliance Supervisor and Ethan Mathes, Grant Compliance Supervisor
  • Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP) RTP Trail Program and Project Updates – Desiree Fox, ATP Manager – Districts 1-5 and Afrid Sarker, ATP Coordinator
  • Statewide Trails Office – Update on the State Recreational Trails Plan -Noelle Breitenbach, Statewide Trails Manager and Sammy Reyes, Park and Recreation Specialist.
  • Individual Board Member Updates

o   Happenings/Accomplishments in the Field

o   Trends

o   Concerns

  • Open Comment Period
  • Question and Answer Period
  • Meeting CloseOGALS Office Chief Richard Rendón

Program Overview:

The RTP is administered at the federal level by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and at the state level by the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and the Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) Active Transportation Program (ATP). 

Non-motorized DPR projects are administered by OGALS and motorized projects are administered by DPR's Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division (OHMV).


California's RTP Funding Flowchart




Partnership Opportunities:

The Recreational Trails Program encourages applicants to develop cooperative agreements with qualified youth conservation or service corps to perform trail construction and maintenance.  The California Conservation Corps (CCC) is one of the many organizations that can assist with trail construction, maintenance, repair and restoration.  To learn more about how the CCC might be able to assist you, please call (916) 341-3100 or visit the CCC’s website.

Additional Resources:

California State Parks Roads and Trails Program provides education and technical assistance to trail and open space managers and advocates regarding non-motorized trail planning, design, construction, funding and management throughout California. To learn more, call (916) 324-0370 or visit the Roads and Trails Program website.

The California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) Active Transportation Program (ATP) consolidates existing federal and state transportation programs, including the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA), and State Safe Routes to School (SRTS), into a single program with a focus to make California a national leader in active transportation. The ATP is administered by the Division of Local Assistance, Office of State Programs. Visit the Active Transportation Program website.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law of 2021 (BIL) reauthorized the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) through from Federal Fiscal Years (FFY) 2022 through FFY 2026 as a set-aside from the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside under the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG).


The CDPR has approved regulations for RTP - Title 14, California Code of Regulations Chapter 11.7, Section 4860. The regulations incorporate the current RTP Procedural Guide dated "FINAL, June 4, 2007" that became effective on August 14, 2008.