Six Advisory Groups were created to provide guidance for the development of the California Indian Heritage Center.  Their role is to advise on key technical issues which influence the master planning process, to ensure that California Indian values are reflected in every aspect of development and operation, to form a network of California Indian Specialists to advise the California Indian Heritage Center, and to serve as ambassadors for the California Indian Heritage Center.  Below is a list of the various groups and their individual duties:

Collections Management Advisory Group
Advise on matters relating to the care, management, storage, handling, accountability, legal jurisdiction, and the physical and intellectual access to the California Indian Heritage Center’s collections.

Contemporary Arts Advisory Group
Advise on the role of contemporary art in the Center and how it can develop and nurture California Indian exhibits.

Libraries, Research and Archives Advisory Group

Advise on the Center’s role as the principal repository for resource information regarding the history of California Indians. Some of the goals are: Identification of collection base, museum network and IT, library, classrooms and Center studios.

Cultural/Outdoor Programming Advisory Group

Consult with local Native groups and advises on Outdoor programs, ceremonial spaces, public spaces, traditional structures and native plants.

Operations Advisory Group

Advise on visitor services, retail needs, special events, offices, public safety, physical plant, building and grounds systems, operations and maintenance.

Interpretive Themes Advisory Group

Advise on the overall subject matter, design parameters and preparation of the California Indian Heritage Center. Also advised on the Center's theme as told through the stories and customs of the California Indian peoples.