What is a “heritage center” ?
The term “heritage center” is used to emphasize the link between the past and the present, and the role the center will play in supporting Indian cultural life today.  Our California Indian Heritage Center will have some features normally associated with museums, such as exhibits and artifact storage. But it will also have features associated with community centers and libraries -- such as meeting rooms and theaters, and features associated with parks and nature preserves -- such as trees, water, native plants, and trails for leisurely walking,   The term “heritage center” encompasses the full range of functions and activities that are being planned.

Where will the CIHC be located ?

How will the CIHC be operated?

The California Indian Heritage Center will be developed and operated as part of California's State Park System, in collaboration with and under the quidance of the California Indian community.

Is there any funding available for the CIHC?

An initial $5 million in voter-approved parks bond monies allocated for the project will provide funding for the preliminary phase, which will include a master plan and some site development.

What is the CIHC Task Force?

The legislativly-authorized Task Force has two primary statutory purposes: to recommend to State Parks a site for the project, and to recommend the governance structure for the center.  Click Here to go to Task Force Members page.

What are the Advisory Groups?

Advisory Groups have been created for the purpose of providing guidance throughout the development of the CIHC.  There are six different groups with specific focus:

   Collections Management:  Primary focus on collections, collections storage, environmental controls, loans,
      consultation/access, potential repository for tribes, care and handling.
   Contemporary Arts:  Role of contemporary art, active collection of contemporary art, exhibit space.
   Libraries, Research, Archives:  Identification of collection base, museum network and IT, library,
      classrooms, studios, etc. 
   Cultural/Outdoor Programming:  Outdoor programs, ceremonial spaces, dance, public,
      traditional structures, native plants, etc. 

   Operations:  Visitor services, retail needs, special events, offices, public safety, physical plant building and
      grounds systems, operations and maintenance.

   Interpretative Themes:  Overall subject matter, design parameters, preparation and maintenance needs.

How can I help make the CIHC a reality ?