What to Eat?

Camping doesn't have to mean military rations and dehydrated meals.  Click here to learn how you can make simple, delicious, and healthy meals right in camp.

Camping Boxes

The best way to make getting out to the campground fast and easy is to keep a "camping box" with all the essentials.  Click here for a list of "camping box" basics.

Lynda's Favorite Camp Recipes

healthy food outdoors    Click here for some of Lynda's unique, healthy, and easy to prepare camp dishes!

Healthy Alternatives

Many of our favorite foods can be prepared to hold more nutrition and less fat, sugar, and sodium with a few simple substitutions.  Click here for some suggested alternatives.

Perishable Food Storage

Click here for some tips on keeping food fresh and delicious!

Cooking Sources

Click here for some ideas on how to cook in camp.

More Healthy Camp Recipes

Click here for some of our other favorite camp recipes - delicious AND good for you!