Our Division’s Mission

Acquire, protect, restore, and sustain outstanding and representative examples of California’s natural and scenic values for the benefit of present and future generations.

Environmental Scientist Exam

Take the exam today and get on the Eligibility List to apply for future vacancies!

Natural Divison staff

Natural Divison staff
Natural Divison staff
Natural Divison staff
Natural Divison staff

California State Parks is the steward of extraordinary biological diversity and unique habitats - from forested mountain summits to the beaches and rocky coastlines of the Pacific, and from fog-shrouded redwoods to arid desert landscapes. We strive to ensure the long-term and sustainable stewardship of these outstanding ecosystems within our system of 280 State Park unit.

As a member of the Natural Resources Team within California State Parks, you will have the opportunity to influence and participate in natural resource management of these extraordinary places. You can make a difference!

Careers are available statewide. Some of your duties could include:

  • Exotic plant and animal monitoring and management
  • Inventory, monitoring, and assessment of native flora and fauna
  • Revegetation and restoration of natural communities
  • Forest restoration and prescribed fire management
  • Develop and implement strategies for coastal adaptation and sea level rise
  • Develop policies and programs and provide project support to other program areas within State Parks.
Natural Divison staff

Positions in Natural Resources Include:

You have many opportunities to explore under the Natural Resources Division at headquarters in Sacramento and at the Field Districts statewide!

Explore the links below to learn more about each job classification:

Environmental Scientist Series

Environmental Services Intern

Forester Series

Forestry Technician / Assistant Series