Home of the California Legislature since 1869, the building underwent a major renovation  that restored much of the Capitol’s original look. Visitors can tour the restored historic offices of Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer, and Governor of the State of California. The building features exhibits and tours - and possibly an opportunity to watch the legislators debate a bill or cast a vote.

   A State Capitol Rises        Capitol Takes Shape         Legacy Restored
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Narrated by Burgess Meredith

Watch New Multi-Rate Videos About Our State Capitol

Watch VideoState Capitol Rises From The Sacramento Plain 
Watch VideoOur State Capitol Takes Shape
Watch VideoCalifornia's Capitol Is A Legacy Restored

Legacy Restored: Watch New Multi-Rate Videos About California's Capitol

Watch VideoState Capitol Rises From The Sacramento Plain
Construction began in 1860. Fires, earthquakes, and floods were always threats in the region. In 1861, floods came again forcing the builders to raise the floor above swollen rivers. Watch Video.

Watch VideoOur State Capitol Takes Shape
The architects chose a compatible style and framed the Capitol with the new additions. The old Capitol then fell victim to the enormous changes brought about by the second World War. Watch Video.

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California's Capitol Is A Legacy Restored
The work of restoring the Capitol is the story of technology in the service of the past. Architects and engineers figured out how to hold up a dome while giving it new strength.
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