California State Parks has added an extensive new section to its interactive educational website for the California State Capitol Museum. Our Multimedia Library, includes a wide array of multimedia, including many valuable historic images that the public has never before seen.

The Multimedia Library includes an interactive timeline of California history with materials referring back to the 1500s. The Library is one of the first interactive multimedia examples with accessible Flash navigation that screen readers can use. The entire site meets ADA accessibility standards, providing accessibility to the widest possible audience, and has won an award for leadership in accessible multimedia and accessible design. 

This innovative website and library provides extensive information about California history and the legislative process. It helps citizens learn about their responsibility - and opportunity - to shape California's future by actively participating in the political process.

The site enables on-line visitors to learn more about California's government and take a "virtual tour" of the Capitol with 360-degree views of the building and park. The site's on-line Citizen's Guide provides information on how bills become laws, how to contact elected officials, and how to become more involved. An interactive map of the legislative districts allows users to click on their district and connect with their representatives. Educators will be happy to find a teacher's section with materials designed to prepare students for a visit to the Capitol. The information supports California State Academic Standards in history and government. The Library provides researchers with relevant images for download and printing. Visitors to the website may choose either English or Spanish. 

The website was developed by a collaboration among California State Parks, California State Capitol Museum, Assembly Rules Committee, Senate Rules Committee, and Design Media of San Francisco, California.

The program won endorsements by Dan Walden, President of the California School Board Association; Mignon Jackson, member of the Board of Directors of the California Teachers Association; and Cecilia Mansfield, director of legislation for the California State PTA.

The website received the 2002 Web Award for Achievement, the 2002 International Web Award for Creative Excellence, and the first award for innovative accessible design presented by Gov Tech in 2003.