Will Rogers State Historic Park offers School Educational Field Trip programs emphasizing western history, equestrian activities and the natural environment for Kindergarten through High School groups.

CLICK HERE to download the 2005-06 WRSHP School Field Trips Brochure.   

This year's WRSHP school programs are offered free of charge, thanks in part to a generous grant from the Will Rogers Cooperative Association.

If you have further questions or are unable to access the brochure above, please contact Michael Allen at Will Rogers State Historic Park at 310-454-8212 or email Brad Langenberg at bradley.lang@gte.net for assistance. Official reservation requests for school-year field trip programs are only accepted by fax or mail only.

Appointments are also available for self-guided tours, usually after 1 p.m. only.
Call Michael Allen to schedule a visit and get a free “Park Scavenger Hunt Package” to
 help structure your experience. Reservations are required for all groups of 10 or more people.
We offer our terrific Horse Riding Presentations, too! You can schedule a visit and 45-minute program
 for your group, club, or camp. These programs are offered Tuesday through Friday mornings at 10:15 and 11:15.
The minimum group size is 10 people; the maximum is 20 to 30, depending on age and adult-child ratio.
We can accommodate 2 groups per day (max. 40 to 50 children/day). Our programs are appropriate
for kindergarteners to senior citizens; all attendees must be at least 4 1/2 years old and no more than
2 months away from entering kindergarten.  Call Michael at 310-4354-8212 or email Bradley Langenberg at bradley.lang@gte.net  to make a reservation.

School group scheduling is done a “first to call, first served” basis.

Before you call, please have ready:

  • Your preferred field trip day (Thursday or Friday), date, and a second choice.
  • Number of students attending (a Maximum of 60 per day.)
  • Number of adult supervisors attending (at least 1 for every 10 students)
  • Names, phone numbers, and address of all teachers attending on the day of the field trip.
    To schedule a field trip Call 310-454-8212