State Historian Kathleen Davis conducted an inventory of Park Rustic structures and landscapes at Marshall Gold Discovery SHP. Several buildings and a large collection of support facilities (e.g. picnic tables, camp stoves, and road pylons) exemplify the Park Rustic tradition.

These features, constructed by the WPA and State Parks in the 1930s and 1940s, remain in good condition today and are important contributors to the historic landscape of the park. The picnic stoves and tables were constructed with cobbles from tailings left from mining operations in the area.

Ms. Davis and her team conducted historical research and photo documented each structure in this assemblage. Measured drawings will be prepared for any structures for which historic plans cannot be located.

A Historic Structure Report (HSR) was prepared for this Park Rustic building. The HSR included detailed descriptions of both interior and exterior features and photographs of all elevations (sides) of the building. Click on the links below to see larger versions of the photographs.

Cabin at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park 

Cabin located in Marshall Gold Discovery SHP.

 Cobble Stone camping stove at Marshall Gold SHP 

This cobble stone camp stove is typical of the
Park Rustic features at Marshall Gold Discovery SHP.

      WPA built stone picnic table at Marshall Gold SHP   

Note the WPA shield on the end support of this picnic table,
a proud symbol of the men who constructed these public facilities.

Upper picnic area at Marshall Gold Discovery SHP 

Photo of upper picnic area located near the Marshall Monument
at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park.