Rock art images may have meaning on many levels. They sometimes depict mythological or cosmological events, serve a magico-religious function, or involve ceremonies crucial to world renewal or cultural history. Of all the traces of past cultures, rock art sites are perhaps the most difficult to understand and interpret. They offer an insight into the values and lives of distant times and other worlds.

Learn about Pomoan Cosmology, view our online article
The Supernatural Frontier in Pomo Cosmology
by E. Breck Parkman

Chumash Painted Cave is one of the best examples of rock art in North America, and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

A condition assessment study revealed that natural deterioration and vandalism have damaged this resource. A Cultural Resource Management project is now in progress to plan and implement the conservation recommendations set forth in the earlier condition assessment study.

Detail of pictograph in Chumash Painted Cave, showing graffiti defacing original artwork.
Detail of pictograph in Chumash Painted Cave, showing graffiti defacing original artwork.