Treating Visitors with Respect

It is the policy of California State Parks to meet the recreational needs of all the people of California, including persons with disabilities.  Our goal is to provide equal access to all facilities and programs within the State Park System units and to treat all park visitors with dignity and respect.

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits state and local governments from discriminating against persons with disabilities or from excluding participation or denying benefits of programs, services or activities to persons with disabilities. 

How to File a Comment or Complaint

Park visitors may submit comments or complaints regarding access to State Park units for persons with disabilities, or discrimination based on a disability, by completing an “Accessibility Comment/ Complaint” form (DPR 983).  

You can access two versions of the Accessibility Comment/Complaint form: PDF | Google Form 

You can also obtain a paper copy of the form from the Human Rights Office (HRO) or any park office. For assistance, you may contact the Human Rights Office at (916) 653-8148. 

Submit the completed form to any of the following:

District Superintendent of the park unit where the incident occurred
(Contact the District Office for the name, mailing address, or e-mail address of the District Superintendent), or

Chief of the Human Rights Office
California State Parks
P. O. Box 942896
Sacramento, CA  94296-0001 (Contact the Human Rights Office if you wish to submit your completed form by e-mail), or

Director of California State Parks
California State Parks
P. O. Box 942896
Sacramento, CA  94296-0001

Complaint Procedure

Informal Resolution
District Superintendent:  Upon receipt of an Accessibility Comment/ Complaint form (DPR 983), the District Superintendent has 30 calendar days to resolve the issue.

If the District Superintendent is able to resolve the issue to the complainant’s satisfaction, the District Superintendent shall provide the complainant and HRO with a written response indicating the corrective action that was taken or will be taken. 

If the District Superintendent is not able to resolve the issue, he/she shall notify the complainant and HRO in writing that the issue is being referred to HRO for handling. 

HRO/Director:  Upon receipt of an “Accessibility Comment/Complaint” form (DPR 983),  HRO has 90 calendar days to resolve the issue.  If HRO is able to resolve the issue to the complainant’s satisfaction, HRO shall provide the complainant and the District Superintendent with a written response indicating the corrective action that was taken or will be taken. 

Formal Resolution
If HRO is unable to resolve the complaint informally to the complainant’s satisfaction, HRO will refer the complaint to an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Investigator for a formal investigation.  Based on the results of the investigation, HRO will determine if any discrimination has occurred within the park unit. 

If discrimination is not found, HRO will notify the complainant and the District Superintendent in writing.

If discrimination is found, HRO will notify the District Superintendent of the investigative findings.  The District Superintendent will have 10 working days to provide a written response to HRO identifying the corrective action that will be taken to eliminate the discrimination.  HRO will then notify the complainant, in writing, of the findings of the investigation and the corrective action that was taken or will be taken. 

Right to Appeal
If dissatisfied with the results of the formal resolution process, the park visitor may appeal to the Director within 30 calendar days after receipt of the written decision. 

Upon receipt of the appeal, the Director shall provide a written response to the park visitor within 30 calendar days. 

Park visitors also have the right to file a discrimination complaint with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or pursue appropriate civil action.