Bidwell-Sacramento River

Commission Approved General Plan

Approved by the California State Park and Recreation Commission on March 3, 2006, the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park General Plan will guide park management and resource stewardship for the next 20 + years.  The Final General Plan and Environmental Impact Report is provided below, which includes the text and map revisions reflected in the Bidwell-Sacramento River SP Recirculated Draft EIR for the Preliminary General Plan (Agricultural Resources) dated October 2005.

As is the case with the following document, general plans create a framework which guides day-to-day decision-making within the Park.  Further, general plans provide a basis for developing focused management plans, specific project plans, and other proposals which implement the general plan’s goals. However, General Plans stop short of defining specific measures and/or timeframes for fulfilling these goals.

Planning Background

On December 12, 2003, the California Department of Parks and Recreation released to the general public and public agencies the Preliminary General Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park. Based on subsequent consideration of the analysis of agricultural resources included in the DEIR, a Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report was prepared by the Department for the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park General Plan.  A 30-day public review and comment period was provided for the Recirculated DEIR from October 18, 2005 to November 17, 2005. In response to the public interest in this issue the Department extended the public review period to January 9, 2006.

On March 3, 2006 at its regular meeting in Chico, California, the California State Park and Recreation Commission approved the General Plan and Environmental Impact Report.   The Notice of Determination was filed with the Office of Planning and Research on March 10, 2006.

Planning Documents:

All documents are in PDF format. Click here  to download Adobe Reader.

Final General Plan/EIR March 2006 (published December 2013) VOLUME ONE (Through Chapter 3) (large 20MB file)
                                                                                                     VOLUME TWO (Chapter 4 to end)

Response to Comments and CEQA Notices related to the Final GP/EIR

Notice of Determination March 2006 (705 KB)

Final EIR – Response to Comments January 2006 (2.0 MB)

Notice of Availability - Recirculated Draft EIR October 2005 (11 KB)

Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report October 2005 (10.6 MB)

Preliminary General Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report December 2003 (128 KB)
(Note: this is table of contents and introduction only. Click on underlined links in table of contents to view other plan sections)

Notice of Completion and Environmental Document Distribution December 2003 (535 KB)

Notice of Availability—Draft EIR December 2003 (25 KB)

Notice of Preparation of EIR February 2003 (715 KB)

Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park Sacramento River Access at Pine Creek Facilities Development and Habitat Restoration Project

In February 2010, The Addendum and Final (with edits incorporated) Initial Study, Negative Declaration, was released for the Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park, Sacramento River Access at Pine Creek Facilities Development and Habitat Restoration Project (formerly known as the Brayton parcel). For more information, please call the Northern Buttes District office at 530 538-2200.

Initial Study Negative Declaration - Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park Sacramento River Access at Pine Creek Facilities Development and Habitat Restoration Project February 2010 (4.15 MB)

Bidwell Sacramento River SP Habitat Restoration Final EIR