The Per Capita Grant Program Procedural Guide

2002 Bond Act Per Capita Program Intent  The Per Capita Grant Program is intended to maintain a high quality of life for California's growing population by providing a continuing investment in parks and recreational facilities.  Specifically it is for the acquisition and development of neighborhood, community, and regional parks and recreation lands and facilities in urban and rural areas.

Funds available: $326,725,000. 
There are no matching requirements for the Per Capita program.
Funding for this program has been appropriated in FY 03/04 State budget, Commencing July 1, 2003.

Project costs may be accrued after July 1, 2003

Link to Allocations for Per Capita Grants under the 2002 Resources Bond Allocations: 


Eligible Applicants
$196,035,000 (Sixty percent [60%] of the $326,725,000) shall be allocated to the following entities based on population: 

  • Cities
  • Eligible Districts, other than a regional park district, regional park and open-space district, and regional open-space district.


The minimum Allocation for these agencies is $220,000.

$130,690,000 (Forty Percent [40%] of the $326,725,000) shall be allocated to the following entities:

  • Counties
  • Regional park districts
  • Regional park and open-space districts
  • Open-space districts


The minimum Allocation for counties only is $1,200,000.

Eligible Projects 

Eligible Projects include acquisition, development, improvement, rehabilitation, restoration, enhancement, and the development of interpretive facilities, of local parks and recreational lands and facilities. Per Capita grant funds can only be used for capital outlay.