The procedural guide pertaining to the November 5, 2004 application deadline is no longer in use for new projects.  The Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS) will revise this webpage when updated materials become available.  (July 20, 2015)

Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Funded Projects

The California Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Grant
Program Procedural Guide is now available: 

Copies of the procedural guide can be obtained by calling (916) 653-7423
or by clicking on the following links:  WORD DOC | PDF DOC

  November 5,2004

The California Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program Intent:
The intent of the Youth Soccer and Recreation Development program is to provide
financial assistance to Local Agencies and Community-Based Organizations
to foster the Development of new Youth soccer, baseball, softball, and
basketball recreation opportunities in the state.

Eligible applicants:  Cities, counties, city and county, park and recreation districts, open-space districts, school districts, and non-profit community-based organizations.  See definitions below:

District -     

  • Any regional park District, regional park and open-space District, or regional open-space District formed pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 5500) of Chapter 3; of the Public Resources Code.

  • Any recreation and park District formed pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 5780) or an authority formed pursuant to Division 26 (commencing with Section 35100), of the Public Resources Code.

  • With respect with any community or unincorporated region that is not included within a District, and in which no city or county provides parks or recreational areas or facilities, “District” also means any their District that is authorized by statute to operate and manage parks or recreational areas or facilities, employs a full-time park and recreation director, offers year round park and recreation services on lands and facilities owned by the district, and allocates a substantial portion of it’s annual operating budget to parks or recreation areas or facilities.

  • School District - Any school district and “all school districts" mean school districts of every kind or class, except a community college district and further defined pursuant to Education Code section 80-87.

  • Community-Based Organization – A nonprofit group or organization, or a “friends of parks” group or organization of a city, county, city and county, or regional park.  All Community-Based Organizations shall have a current tax-exempt status as a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code.

Eligible projects:  Acquisition or development of land and/or facilities to improve the property's public usage and access for new youth soccer, baseball, softball and basketball opportunities. 

Acquisition (willing sellers only) or Development

Funds Available: $23,337,000

Minimum and Maximum Grant Amount:
The Minimum grant amount is:  $75,000
The Maximum grant amount is:  1,000,000

Match Requirement:  Applicants that provide a commitment for matching contributions will be more competitive in this program.