The Waddell Creek Association in cooperation with California State Parks operates the Rancho del Oso Nature and History Center. The center is part of the southern part of Big Basin Redwoods State Park where Waddell Creek flows into the Pacific Ocean (17 miles north of Santa Cruz). The Center is open to the public from noon to 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

Through exhibits and programs, the Center provides educational and recreational activities focused on the rich natural and cultural history of the area. This former ranch home of the Hoover/McLean family features exhibits of native flora and fauna, and local history. Nature-oriented art exhibits are sponsored. An active and varied program of events for young and old is featured at the Center. Activities range from night events such as astronomy and nocturnal creatures to Ohlone craft demonstrations and fireside talks.

A recent major addition is a remarkable grizzly bear exhibit symbolizing the important role grizzlies played in the history of the area.

The financial and active support of members and volunteers are essential to the Center’s operation. The Waddell Creek Association has proven itself to be a valuable asset to the visitors and staff at the Rancho Del Oso sector of Big Basin Redwoods State Park. For more information about the association and its many activities, or to become a member, please visit their website at:

Waddell Creek Association
3600 Highway 1
Davenport CA 95017
TEL 831-427-2288