More than a million visitors each year come to the California State Capitol. Our State Capitol Museum volunteers are usually the first to greet these visitors. Often dressed in period attire, volunteers answer questions and discuss history with visitors. California State Capitol Museum volunteers give their time to share government history, lead historic room tours, greet visitors, interpret historic rooms and re-enact historic events.

Volunteers at Living History Event

Participation in Special Events
Our Volunteers can participate in special “Living History” events throughout the year. These events provide opportunity for volunteers to re-enact a vital part of history while wearing period appropriate costumes (pictured at the right). Volunteers can greet, educate, or answer visitor’s questions. Some volunteers may choose to help with the event set-up, assist with food for participants, or even help with the clean-up afterwards.

Assist in Historic Museum Room Tours
In conjunction with a Tour Guide our volunteers follow public tours through the Capitol Museum Rooms, monitoring the tour groups, ensuring the safety and security for the visitors and the museum’s irreplaceable artifacts.

Historic Museum Room Interpreting Docents
These specialized volunteers are stationed in front of each of the historic museum rooms to greet the visitors, interpret the room’s contents, and explain its historical significance in relation to the Capitol and California’s government circa 1900-1910.

West Information Desk Host
These Volunteers work at the information desk on the west side of the first floor rotunda. They provide the historical introduction to the State Capitol, answer questions covering a wide range of subjects both historical and current and provide directions where visitors to the State Capitol can take historic tours; find their Assembly Member or Senator or find committee hearings. They also distribute informational brochures about the Capitol to visitors and provide information about other museums in the area.

 Benefits of Volunteering at the State Capitol Museum include:
• Participation in a series of activities including hands-on, interactive educational programs for school groups
• On special occasions such as Governor’s Day or Election Day volunteers re-enact historic events in Museum rooms
• 36 hours of free training about the California State Capitol’s history and architecture and California government
• A State Parks Volunteer badge upon graduation of the volunteer training course
• A District Parks pass for free admittance to State Parks in the Capitol District.
   Volunteers earn the District Parks pass after 84 hours of volunteer work.
   Volunteers must work 84 hours a year to maintain their District Pass
• A pass for free admittance to ALL California State Parks after 200 hours of volunteer work per year
• Volunteer hour pins
• Free admittance to the yearly Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
• Discounts on your parking costs or free light rail or bus tickets for transportation to volunteer work at the Capitol
• Discounts at the State Capitol Bookstore
• Monthly newsletter
• Social activities and field trips
• Chance to meet new and interesting people
• Opportunity to join the California State Capitol Museum Volunteer Association*

Volunteer leading group tour

Volunteer training represents a serious commitment. The hours are flexible and the rewards can be tremendous.  If you are interested in becoming a California State Capitol Museum volunteer please call (916) 324-2405. 

For information on the California State Capitol Museum visit our website at .

* California State Capitol Museum Volunteer Association (CSCMVA) membership is $20.00 for the first year and $25.00 as an active member volunteering 72 hours per year (6 hours a month). It is not necessary to join the CSCMVA to volunteer at the State Capitol Museum