In order to guide general plan decisions and proposals to preserve, interpret, manage, and develop Big Basin’s resources, we must first prepare an adequate inventory of the park’s natural, cultural, historic, and recreational resources. Accordingly, State Park planning staff is developing the Big Basin Redwoods State Park Resource Inventory. Recognizing that an inventory of such a large and diverse park is never finished, we envision this inventory to be a dynamic “work-in-progress” that will be updated with new information during and beyond this general planning process.

Portions of the Resource Inventory are now available for review. Plese read the Overview first before proceeding to the section(s) that you are interested in reviewing. Additional sections will be added to the Resource Inventory. Existing posted sections will also be updated as more information is gathered.

OVERVIEW 2001 (4-pages)


  • Plant Life 1998 (58-pages)

  • Topography 1998 (4-pages)

  • Meteorology 1998 (9-pages)

  • Animal Life 1998 (66-pages) -- Appendix (30-pages)

  • Soils 1983 (33-pages)

  • Geology 1984 (66-pages)

  • Ecology 1988 - Rev. 2001 (32-pages)

  • Aquatic Life 2000 (58-pages)

  • Marine Life 1998 (12-pages)

  • Hydrology 1998 (34-pages) --- Appendix (56-pages)


    Preliminary Cultural Resources Inventory 2001 (30-pages)
    Cultural Resources Inventory Listing Workbook 2001 (7-pages)
    Historic Buildings, Structures, Objects and Sites 2001 (36-pages)


    Description of Big Basin Existing Facilities.pdf (9 pages)
    Table of Big Basin Campgrounds.pdf
    Table of Big Basin Trails.pdf
    Table of Big Basin Roads.pdf


    Regional Influences-Part 1.pdf
    Regional Influences-Part 2-Scenic Resources.pdf

    INTERPRETIVE RESOURCES 2001 (21 pages)