Lifeguard Candidates must meet all the following requirements:

Lifeguard Gear
Dive TeamLifeguard with rescue bouy.
  • Two Years of College*
  • Valid California Driver's License of the Appropriate Class
  • Physically Sound
  • Eighteen Years of Age**
  • Six mos. Lifeguard Experience at Facilities Other than Swimming Pools***
  • Complete the State Park Lifeguard Training Program Prior to Appointment as Lifeguard
  • Pass a Comprehensive Background Investigation
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident Alien in the process of applying for citizenship****
  • 20/20 Corrected Vision AND 20/40 Uncorrected Vision*****
  • No Felony Convictions

* By time of appointment, a Candidate must have completed 60 Semester Units of study at a state accredited college or universityincluding a minimum of 21 semester units of course work satisfying General Education curriculum standards with courses including Natural Science, Social Science, Mathematics, Language, and Humanities.  A degree in Park Administration, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Law Enforcement, or related fields is desirable.

** Note: State Peace Officer mandatory retirement age is 65 years of age. Reference: GC §21132

*** Lifeguards from other outside agencies must complete the department's lifeguard training course.

**** Candidates have three years, per Penal Code §1031.5, to provide proof of U.S. Citizenship from the date of application.

***** Candidates who have LASIK vision correction surgery must have completed a 6-month stabilization period, and candidates who have RK or PRK vision correction surgery must have completed a 12-month stabilization period before being medically eligible for this position.

Lifeguard and Vehicles image