1. Hungry Valley was the site of homesteading and ranching activities for over 100 years. Old pieces of barbed wire from stock fence may still occasionally be found in some areas of the park.

  2. Excessive water runoff from heavy rains or rapid snowmelt can cause dangerous erosion gullies, ditches and sudden drop-offs. Naturally occurring cliffs, some as much as 200 feet high, are found in the SVRA. These hazards have been marked on signed designated trails. Use caution, especially when you are operating an OHV in an unfamiliar area of the park.

  3. Rattlesnakes may be found in this area. They are important members of the natural community. They will not attack, but if disturbed or cornered, they will defend themselves. Give them distance and respect.

  4. Winter brings snow to the higher elevations within the park and the Los Padres National Forest. Be alert to weather forecasts and storm indications. To avoid the threat of exposure (hypothermia), warm clothing and staying dry is a must for your safety.

  5. Summer temperatures normally range from 90° — 100°. The physical exertion with OHV operations and prolonged exposure to the blazing sun present a real risk of heat exhaustion or heat-stroke. OHV operations in the cool of the mornings and evenings reduces your risk. Be sure to drink plenty of water on hot days.

  6. Watch out for cross traffic on Gold Hill Road, a public highway maintained jointly by the U.S. Forest Service and Hungry Valley SVRA. The road provides paved access to the Alamo Mountain and Piru Creek areas of the Los Padres National Forest. Numerous designated OHV crossings are established along Gold Hill Road within the SVRA. Watch for oncoming vehicles and cross with caution.

  7. Whatever the cause, dry dusty winds common to Southern California during the hot summers and into late fall can spread a wild fire with heart-stopping speed. Watch for smoke, especially during fire season. Take along a trail map when riding - know your trails, an alternate escape route may be needed.