California Trails & Greenways 2024

April 30 – May 3, 2024
Everline Resort, Lake Tahoe

Call for Award Nominations

Nominations due February 2, 2024

The Awards Committee seeks nominees for recognition at California Trails & Greenways 2024. This program is an opportunity to bring acknowledgement and appreciation to the individuals, organizations, agencies, and businesses that, through their hard work, integrity, and social responsibility have made outstanding contributions that promote, enhance, or expand public awareness and use of trails and greenways in California during the 2024 calendar year.

The Awards Committee seeks nominations for notable achievements in the following categories:


  • Serving as an exceptional volunteer leader worthy of lifetime recognition for over 25 years of success in furthering the cause of trails or greenways in California; and in sharing their trail skills and experience with others across the state.

  • Working far above and beyond their required duties as a parks or trails professional, nominees worthy of lifetime recognition have dedicated over 25 years in furthering the cause of trails or greenways in California; and in sharing their trail skills and experience with others across the state.

  • An individual (private citizen, elected official, or professional) who has made a significant contribution in support of trails or greenways and has been publicly involved with trail issues for at least seven (7) years.

Organizations or agencies that:

  • Initiated or implemented successful trail or greenway events.

  • Initiated or implemented active programs that benefited trails or greenways.

  • Reached significant milestones in the development or reconstruction of unique trail or greenway projects.

  • Reached significant milestones in trail or greenway acquisitions.

  • Reached significant milestones in unique trail or greenway planning projects.

Individuals, organizations, agencies or businesses that:

  • Achieved excellence in design and creative approaches in developing trails or greenway information systems using technology, social media, or websites.

  • Established innovative programs to engage children and youth in outdoor experiences using, but not limited solely to, trails.

  • Established innovative programs to engage underserved communities in outdoor experiences using, but not limited solely to, trails.

All nominees must exemplify integrity, and social and environmental responsibility.

Any individual, organization or agency may make a nomination in one or more of the award categories. The full eligibility requirements are detailed on the following pages.  Nominations must be received by February 2, 2024, to be considered for an award in 2024. Award recipients will be notified by March 8, 2024, and will receive recognition at the awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 (the exact date/time is to be determined).

For questions regarding the awards program email


California Trails & Greenways 2024

April 30 – May 3, 2024

Award Categories

AwardAward Description
Lifetime Volunteer Achievement Award Presented to an individual who has volunteered considerable personal time and leadership for more than 25 years on behalf of trails or greenways; whose achievements have furthered the cause of trails or greenways in California; and who has shared their trail skills and experience with others across the state. This category is not necessarily recognized every year.
Lifetime Professional Achievement Award Presented to a park or trails professional who has worked far beyond their required duties for more than 25 years on behalf of trails or greenways; whose achievements have furthered the cause of trails or greenways in California; and who has shared their trail skills and experience with others across the state. This category is not necessarily recognized every year.
Trail Champion Award Presented to an individual who has made significant contributions in support of trails or greenways in California. The award is open to persons (volunteer, elected official, or professional) who supported trails through design, development, maintenance, management or operation of trails in urban, suburban, or rural areas. Nominees must have been publicly involved with trail issues for at least seven (7) years. If the nominee is a trail professional (employed by a public agency, non-profit or private business whose primary job is trails or greenway-related), there must be significant contributions beyond normal work duties. The award is not open to anyone who has previously received a state, national, or international trails or greenway award. Extra consideration will be given for accomplishments related to the creation of a specific “product” such as a trail or greenway, or trail or greenway program.
Merit Award (Acquisition) Given in recognition of a unique trail or greenway acquisition project that reached a significant milestone in 2023. Nominees should be the organization or agency that initiated and implemented the project.
Merit Award (Development) Given in recognition of a unique trail or greenway development or reconstruction project that reached a significant milestone in 2023. Nominees should be the organization or agency that initiated and implemented the project.
Merit Award (Event) Given in recognition of a special and successful trail or greenway event held in 2023.Nominees should be the organization or agency that initiated and implemented the event. Note: California Trail Days and National Trails Day events are eligible for nomination in this category
Merit Award (Kids & Trails)  This award honors an individual, organization, agency, or business that established an innovative program in 2023 specifically designed to engage children and youth in outdoor experiences using trails. Creative, interpretive, educational, and/or recreational design components are included along with innovative programs that stimulate kids’ imaginations and promote their interest in and appreciation for the natural environment, while developing healthy lifestyles
Merit Award (Planning) Given in recognition of a unique trail or greenway planning project that reached a significant milestone in 2023. Nominees should be the organization or agency that initiated and implemented the project.
Merit Award (Program) Given in recognition of an important trail or greenway program that was established in 2023.  Nominees should be the organization or agency that initiated and implemented the program.
Merit Award (Underserved Communities) This award honors an individual, organization, agency, or business that established an innovative program in 2023 specifically designed to engage underserved communities in outdoor experiences using trails. Creative, interpretive, educational, and/or recreational design components are included along with innovative programs that encourage families and others to venture into open spaces and promote their interest in and appreciation for the natural environment, while developing healthy lifestyles.
Social Media, Websites and Technology Award Presented to an organization, agency, or business that has used social media in a new and creative way, developed a website that has achieved overall excellence through design and concept, or made use of new technologies to advance the promotion or development of trails and greenways in 2023.

All nominees must exemplify integrity, and social and environmental responsibility.